Friday, July 26, 2019

What I can do for RWU community if I was a vice president for them Essay

What I can do for RWU community if I was a vice president for them - Essay Example The most efficient means of gathering data from the chosen sample of students would be using questionnaires or surveys and semi-structured interviews. Questionnaires and surveys enable the capture of a lot of information in a non-threatening way especially if the questionnaire is elaborate, accurate and clear. (Carter, 2010) However, in the event of improper wording in the questionnaire, student responses can be biased and might not give the needed information. Therefore, this method needs to be complemented with semi-structured interviews, which would provide more information especially when it is conducted as if it is a conversation making interviewees feel relaxed. The next group of stakeholders of RWU community is the employees. The interests of RWU’s employees can be collected from them through the use of observational techniques and questionnaires. Through observation, the information regarding the conditions that the employees work in and the systems or operations they have to undertake on a daily basis can be easily acquired. This information can be evaluated and the needs of these important stakeholders reviewed and analyzed. However, the behavior of employees during the observation might not reflect their true normal behavior hence the need to use questionnaires which would help in collecting the required information quickly. (Carter, 2010) The questionnaires would have to be very detailed and clarity enforced in each question. For employees, their interests may be of a very personal nature therefore confidentiality must be guaranteed in order for the employees to reveal their opinions and interests in depth. The interests of the local community in Bristol, Rhode Island where RWU is situated must also be taken into consideration. For this to be done, focus groups can be used to collect the opinions of the people. Sampling of the local community needs to be done in a proper demographical scale to cater for the needs of all

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